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Space Availability - CEU Library Vienna


Mirabaud Media Lab Edit Stations


Mirabaud Media Lab Edit Stations Reservations

The Mirabaud Media Lab is located in the CEU Library's Media Hub, Vienna campus, first floor. The Lab is a resource used for both instruction in media production, and for use by students, faculty, and staff to produce and edit projects related to their scholarship and research interests.

The 14-station iMac Lab features a wide range of Adobe Creative cloud applications, such as Premiere Photo CC, Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects. For video editing, the Lab is supported by an Avid Nexis network-attached storage system, which can be accessed from any station.

Permission to use the lab is granted automatically to students enrolled in media production courses at CEU.  For other projects, please obtain authorization from the Head of the Media Hub, Jeremy Braverman (  You may be asked to demonstrate your competency on a program, or asked to participate in training and orientation.

Please book responsibly. Only book time you will actually use, and cancel promptly if you realize you don't need a reservation. 

You will need to enter the following on the booking form:

  • Your name
  • CEU email address
  • Reservation nickname (this should be the name of the project, and will be what is publicly shown on the room schedule)
  • School affiliation
  • Names of all crew working on project - only one station per crew should be booked at a time.  Crew members should not be working simultaneously on the same film on separate edit stations.


  • Any reservation, whether same day or in advance, must be made in libcal.  Even if you are just jumping on an empty edit station, please still reserve the time in libcal. 
  • Reservations will be held for 15 minutes, after which the station will be made available to others on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • As a courtesy to others, please cancel your reservation if you will not be using the space--just click the link provided in your confirmation email.  
  • Students should start rendering or finalizing projects 30 minutes before the end of their reserved time, or the closing time of the lab.
  • Please be considerate and leave the edit station promptly, and leave the area around the computer in good condition when your reservation is over. 
  • The CEU Library reserves the right to cancel reservations

    By requesting a reservation for an edit station, you agree to abide by the Rules of Use that are posted in the Media Lab, and on the Lab’s home page. Please carefully review these rules prior to your reservation.



   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding