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Space Availability - CEU Library Budapest

Research Rooms Budapest

Only Library patrons can book Co-Labs (membership card is required for booking).

How to book a Co-Lab

  1. Choose the date you want to book
  2. Choose a room and time slot (up to 6 hours =12 slots) per week - please, note that you can only book 2 hours in the same day.
  3. You will receive an email to your email address  and you need to confirm your booking in 15 minutes.
  4. If you change your mind, use the link in your email to cancel.
  5. Your booking is held for 15 minutes.

Technology:  48” LCD screen with wireless content sharing via (a) Apple Airplay, (b) USB Clickshare device or wired access, and (c) table top connectors for HDMI or VGA. Webcam and online conference capability (Skype, Skype for Business, WebEx, Bluejeans). Please, bring your own laptop / Mac.

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